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What Should I Eat Before Exercising?
Our fitness expert tells you which foods will fuel your workout, plus when to eat them.
By Richard Weil, MEd, CDE
Q: What’s the best snack before working out? How long before my workout should I eat it?
A: First, be sure you really need a snack. Generally, you don’t need to eat before exercise unless you tend to run low on energy during your workouts, or it’s been more than a couple of hours since your last meal.
Weight Loss Lies We Tell Ourselves
5 weight loss lies we tell ourselves.
By Jim Gerard- Author
Weight loss is an American cultural obsession. The national conversation about it has become a cacophony of claims and inducements for products and diet programs, and promises from their providers. Information from experts—real and self-proclaimed—flows forth on a daily basis, with each new “discovery” or study contradicting the one preceding it. In such a chaotic environment, many distortions, half-truths and total falsehoods have become repeated so often that far too many people accept them as gospel. We asked some of the nation’s leading nutrition and weight-loss specialists to debunk what we consider the top five weight-loss myths.